Legal Notice
The offer is a non-commercial flight or flight opportunity. As the owner of a private pilot license, I am not legally permitted to receive any economic benefit from this offer if I advertise publicly.
The costs listed on this website include charter of the helicopter, fuel and any extras such as picnics at the price of procurement including costs for provision. All landing taxes will be invoiced additionally according to the price list.
The time spent preparing and planning the flight will not be charged.
Furthermore, for non-commercial flights - for which a fee is paid - I am obliged to inform the passengers before departure of the private nature of the flight and the associated consequences regarding insurance cover.
The insurance cover can be seen on the ticket of carriage, which is sent to all passengers by email together with the passenger briefing a few days before the planned departure.
Reading the passenger briefing is mandatory for all passengers. This will be checked before boarding the helicopter.
The general terms and conditions of
for all transport that a passenger agrees with, Herrliberg.
Transport of people and luggage
Conclusion and content of the contract / payment for the flight
By reserving a helicopter flight, the passenger concludes a contract with These general terms and conditions are part of the contract.
If possible, will confirm the reservation in writing by email. Before the flight, issues a flight ticket. If the passenger has reserved the flight together with other people, can issue a joint flight ticket for everyone (collective flight ticket). These conditions also apply if
a. cannot issue a flight ticket due to external circumstances (e.g. boarding off-road).
b. The flight ticket is also the baggage check for the transport of baggage. will transport the luggage if space or safety regulations permit. A piece of luggage may have a maximum dimensions of 40 x 40 x 25 cm and the luggage may weigh a maximum of 20 kilos per passenger. If several passengers are traveling in a group, the maximum permitted dimensions per piece of luggage still apply, but the total weight to be transported can be reduced for safety reasons (weight limits). -
The passenger informs when making the reservation if there are valuables or sensitive devices or sensitive items in their luggage. There is no liability for loss of items.
For safety reasons (particularly weight limits), it may be necessary to carry luggage separately. reserves the right to have luggage brought to the agreed destination by road transport. The passenger bears the costs for these transports.
- undertakes to transport the passenger to the destination at the agreed time and price. If the passenger subsequently changes the time of the flight or the route, this may result in a price change.
The passenger pays the flight price at the time informs him when concluding the contract. This is normally after the flight.
- reserves the right to request the price of the flight in advance. If the passenger has to pay for the flight in advance, can refuse transport if the passenger has not paid for the flight before the start of the trip.
- may use a different type of helicopter for the flight than the one contractually agreed upon or may commission a third party to carry out the flight. There are no additional costs associated with this for the passenger.
- is in no way obliged to accept or compensate in any way for expired vouchers, especially gift vouchers that have an expiry date after the expiry period has ended. The validity of vouchers is usually 1 year and is noted on the voucher.
Delay and cancellation and
Deviation from the agreed flight route
The flight may be delayed or canceled for technical, meteorological or operational reasons. In the event of a delay, is not liable for any damage, e.g. travel costs to the airport or meeting point on site, unless was intentionally at fault. In this case, liability is limited to the costs directly associated with the flight, i.e. only compensates the direct damage and no consequential damage. Otherwise, the provisions of the Swiss air transport regulations apply.
If the departure is delayed because the passenger is not ready to board at the agreed time, can cancel the flight after a waiting period of half an hour. In this case, the passenger is entitled to a price reduction of 50% of the agreed flight price and must pay this subsequently if he has not paid it in advance. If the passenger pays in advance, the proportionate costs will be refunded by
If the departure is delayed by more than one hour or if has to cancel the flight for reasons for which the passenger is not responsible, will refund the full flight price. Travel costs to the meeting point will not be refunded. For sightseeing flights and flights that take place based on a voucher, the flight will be postponed to a later date. Further claims are excluded.
If has to cancel the flight early due to technical or meteorological reasons, will bring the passenger either back to the place of departure or to the destination as quickly as possible, at's discretion, using another helicopter or another means of transport. If you return to the place of departure, will reschedule the flight as soon as possible. If brings the passenger to the destination using another means of transport (taxi, bus, train), it will cover the costs. Further claims are excluded.
If informs the passenger before departure that the flight may have to be aborted en route for meteorological reasons and the passenger accepts this risk, the passenger will pay for their onward journey or return using another means of transport. Even if the flight is cancelled, he still owes the agreed price, less any saved fees or saved fuel costs.
- reserves the right at any time to refuse a passenger a flight in the helicopter. This is especially true in cases where the passenger's fitness to fly (health status, alcohol, intoxicants, general mental health) is assessed by the pilot as questionable. If a passenger is no longer allowed to board the helicopter, he or she must bear all costs as agreed, in addition to the transport costs by taxi or train.